Monday, October 10, 2011

It's time to Wake Up Now ~ :)

Wake up sleeping beauty

There is no time more critical than this moment right now. Right now- humanity, our planet, and indeed the entire solar system are going through a momentous evolution. We are raising our vibrations from a limited 3 dimensional view of reality to a 5th dimensional view.  Everything in our world, our natural environment, the sun, the stars, and indeed the entire universe, is connected. It’s all energy. It’s all vibrating. It’s all waves of potential reality floating in space and manifesting as matter in the 3-D world based on our thoughts and perceptions. Do you understand this yet? If so… good, you’ve done some serious work already. Keep going! If not… it’s time for you to open your mind and glimpse beyond the illusionary veils that you accept as your reality.

The most important thing to do while on this planet is to evolve spiritually and focus on love. For thousands of years negative energies have controlled our planet. Do you notice that when you go to the store or run in to your neighbor, that most people are pretty decent? Most people you encounter are generally good and kind hearted people. Yes, we all have flaws and dominant egos, but at the core, there is goodness. Yet, when you watch the news, look at world events, and see all the war and destruction that has permeated our planet for centuries, it doesn’t make sense why good kind hearted people create such devastation. There’s a reason for that. The typical humans that you meet are not the ones in control of the world.

Indeed, there are greedy, corrupt and some would say evil forces that have dominated our planet for centuries. I don’t mean demonic or satanic forces, I mean negative entities. There is always a balance to everything; it’s the yin and yang of the universe, the dark and the light. You’ve seen this scenario played out a hundred times in stories and Hollywood movies. The dark forces (bad guys) do terrible things and eventually the light forces (good guys) conquer them. It’s not much different than that. The thing is that these dark forces have held control over our planet for thousands of years through power, money, corruption and lies. They have stolen what is the right of every human being- to know their divine nature and be truly free.

How have they been able to get away with this? They control the money, and when you control the money, you have all the power. A small group of very wealthy elites actually control humanity. You might not want to believe that, but do the research and you will start to understand how far back this goes. There are bloodlines, there are secret societies, and there are extremely negative agendas. You can find this information for yourself; don’t take my word for it- it’s all out there for you if you wish to seek truth. They buy politicians. When they can’t buy politicians or a public figure tries to oust them, they are usually assassinated. Elected officials don’t really have the control- which is why politics never changes anything. They also control the media. They create and display the stories that you readily digest and accept as “reality”, when it’s far from the truth.

However, that’s really not the point because the negative forces are in their last days and they’re rapidly losing power. This is happening for a myriad of reasons, mainly because human beings are going through a huge spiritual awakening that is helping them to remember the truth.  The 2012 phenomena has been written about in many ancient civilizations. Study them. Ancient civilizations have keys and clues to unlocking the mystery of our world. Many believe this is the end of the world, but it’s the exact opposite. It’s the beginning of a NEW world that will be much more exciting, enlightened, and magical than we can presently imagine. 

In order to allow new things to come into being, you must let go of the OLD ways of doing things. That is what’s happening now. Indeed our political system will be overhauled. You can see evidence of the growing dissatisfaction with the current system by looking at the Occupy Wall Street protests. These protests are just the beginning. In fact we saw this in Egypt last year and many other countries as well. It’s happening all over the world now. This is the uprising of the human race against the forces that have enslaved us for far too long. 

Yes, trust me when I say that most of you are slaves. We are slaves to an economic system that keeps us working our lives away for the richest people while most of the population barely gets by. In America, we are richer than most, and have much to be grateful for. But that doesn’t’ mean that we must tolerate being manipulated and controlled. The old systems must be rebuilt and that means that economies will collapse, governments will be overhauled, old systems may fail. It’s Ok.

The worst thing you can do in these times is to react out of fear. Fear keeps you in a low vibration and through the law of attraction you will only attract and create more fearful, negative experiences. We live in a universe where THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS. Negative and fear based thinking will keep you living in a nightmare reality on 3 D earth. You must remember that nothing is as it seems, there is much going on behind the scenes. Stay positive and go within. Start to investigate. Stop watching so much reality trash TV (I’m talking to you Kardashians, Jersey Shore, etc). Stop believing (or better yet, stop WATCHING) mainstream media. Stop watching porn. Stop distracting yourself. Stop doing drugs and drinking as a way to escape. These are distractions. They will not help you ascend or find your higher self.

It is important now to meditate and reconnect with your divine source. This will bring you the truth that you seek. Indeed, most of the free time I have is spent researching, reading, watching informative movies, videos, etc, talking with and networking with enlightened beings to further fuel my evolutionary growth as an individual. It is important to seek truth. Do not blindly accept things as they are or think you know how the world works unless you have done some serious investigation. Our history books are lies. What we’re taught in school is not the whole story.

We are conditioned to think that we are powerless. Science tells us we are just a chance mistake in the universe- as if something this amazing and precise could ever be a random coincidence. Religion tells us that there is only one way to know God and to repent and feel guilty for sin. It’s nonsense. I say seek a spiritual path, but I don’t advocate for an organized religion. Many of the great world religions do have pockets of truths in them for sure, but they are not the WHOLE truth. They have been used to control and manipulate civilization for centuries. It’s another form of indoctrination and mind control. If you have defensiveness to that statement- ask yourself why? Just because your parents or church told you something your entire life, does that mean it’s true? No. They’re repeating what they learned- that’s it.

Science tried to figure it out by dismissing God and using provable data to make sense of the world. The only problem is there is a HUGE part of reality that exists BEYOND the 5 senses. We are only capable of experiencing reality through filtered senses that send impulses to our brains. There is MUCH more that exists BEYOND what science can PROVE with their limited technology. If you want some fascinating scientific discoveries look into all the alternative data that is available on suppressed technologies. Study quantum physics and understand that we are made of waves, not particles, and that those waves REACT to our THOUGHTS.  Neither the scientific or religious approaches contain all the answers. Go beyond them.  It’s crucial that you use your intuition, logic, and heart to discern what information resonates with you as truth.

While I think it’s important to seek knowledge, to lift the veils and discover the truth about how things really work on planet Earth… there is more to the story. Like I said, this all exists in the 3D world, yet we are interdimensional beings. (Here’s an interesting side note: when I typed the word “interdimensional”- my computer corrected me to tell me that’s not a word. The irony! Do you see that our language is not even equipped to fully explain the nature of our very existence? Our understanding is so limited that we don’t even have these words in our vocabulary).

Back to the point… the controlling limiting forces that have held humanity in enslavement for most of our existence are rapidly being brought to light. They will be defeated. On a physical level they can’t win (meaning they can’t continue their domination) for the sheer number of people that have awakened has reached a critical mass, and there are more of us than them. On a spiritual level, darkness cannot live where there is light. We are bringing in the light. Lightworkers know what I mean. We are actually illuminating the planet out of her darkness and evolving into a higher state of consciousness.

That’s why it’s so important right NOW to seek a spiritual path, to raise your awareness, to raise your vibration, to seek love and light. The more you do, the easier the transition will be for you to enter the New Earth. As I mentioned, if you choose to buy into the fear, the lies, the drama, the ego, and the doomsday potential reality, than that is what you will experience. We need to understand that two separate realities can coexist with each other. Our limited perspective doesn’t allow us to digest this concept easily, because we are trained to experience only the world that we can see with our eyes. If we understood that various levels of reality exist in different dimensions, vibrating at different frequencies beyond our scope of vision, this would be easier to understand.

Those that choose to stay in fear will live out that fear (through free will choice and law of attraction) in the nightmare 3D reality they have created. Those that choose to ascend, to evolve, to seek the truth, and detach from ego, will evolve to a new frequency, and will exist in an entirely new reality. Understand our DNA is being upgraded. Our bodies are adjusting to the new frequencies!

Be excited! The world is changing! Spend time in nature and listening to beautiful music to help lift your vibration. Pay attention to your diet. Factory farmed animals contain antibiotics, hormones, and worst of all FEAR. You’re digesting that. Think about what you put into your body as this is your vehicle for this incarnation. This is all a learning process and I’ve only recently started to seriously revamp my diet. It’s not about “dieting” to lose weight or fit an image of beauty. It’s about understanding that what you put into your vessel can seriously weigh you down vibrationally. Vegetarian or vegan diets seem to help with this process. 

I want you to know that everything I am saying comes from my heart with the intention of pure love. Maybe it can sound like a lecture- but it’s only to help those that choose to evolve. In life, we all have free will and choices. Some will choose to stay in Fear, and they have that right. However, as the speed of the shift accelerates over the next year, more and more people will start waking up. They will want answers and clues to understanding what is happening. There are many teachers and information available. Seek and you shall find.  

But the biggest teacher of all is… YOU. Meditation is the most important thing you can do. Clear out the clutter of your mind, quiet your ego long enough to listen. Really listen to what the universe is telling you. You will find all of the answers you seek within your very self. That self is connected to All that is- the DIVINE nature of the universe- its’ within you. IT IS YOU. There is no time except NOW… and NOW is the time for you to wake up, understand and remember who you are, go within, and be a part of the shift. Bring the love and light to the planet that you wish to see. Be the change. Be the pure divine love and light that IS YOU. Now is the time. You are STARS!!! It’s time to SHINE.

Peace and Love Fellow Space Travelers~