Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Change your Thoughts; Change your Life!

Change your Thoughts; Change your Life! By: Tanya Almeida

I am an ever-evolving being. I've really been changing at such a fast rate it's hard to recognize a trace of the personality that I once thought I was. I've been on a spiritual journey. An awakening, that's been in progress for quite some time. It started many years ago... just entering into adulthood, thinking I had everything figured out. At least I knew how the world worked... and it pretty much sucked. Everything around me was negative. It's not like life had been particularly easy or happy for me. Conflict and anger was everywhere, constantly polluting my thoughts and my reality. At some point I realized, I could change this. I could change my reality.

I learned forgiveness. I learned to stop blaming. Stop blaming my parents for abandoning and abusing me. Stop blaming people for doing me wrong. Stop blaming the world for war and despair. I glimpsed, briefly, that I was the one with the CHOICE. I could CHOOSE to be happy, CHOOSE to overcome my hurdles, CHOOSE to change my own life. Many years passed and I continued trying to make headway, learning a new positive and happy way to live life. Not that it was easy. Years of brain programming and social training don't just switch off overnight. It's a constant learning process. But things started to change. Things really did get better and life around me was happier.

But just like any human, I repeated mistakes. I continued with certain negative patterns. As much as I THOUGHT I could influence my outer world, I had lost some of the actual FEELING of it. The FEELING of being connected to the source of the universe. The FEELING of power in your being when you are at peace and one with all that is. The inner KNOWING that is the consciousness that is me... and you. I was still playing out human dramas driven largely by Ego. But I've achieved the first step to dismantling the Ego... recognizing it. Now I am moving from a place of pure spirit.

And this is not some lofty fantasy I have in my own mind. It's true on a scientific level. I'm very fascinated by science and am in constant amazement at nature's perfection. But some answers are still not explained by science...because science can't measure consciousness... well not yet, anyway. Soul, consciousness, intuition, god, universe,... call it what you will... it's the elixir of life.

And still, we are so trained to identify with our personality. We are given a name (label), a family, a school, a culture, a religion. We define ourselves by our jobs, our relationships, our property, our family, our kids, our money, our looks, etc. Yet we are none of these things. We are all one in the same. The same material the stars are made of. Our atoms, molecules, our carbon based bodies.... We have the same material in our beings as stars do. We literally are children of the stars. And we are life itself. In the words of Eckhart Tolle, "we do not HAVE a life... WE ARE LIFE".

So as it were, much of my time recently has been spent meditating and searching for my own truth. What I'm finding is fascinating. I've always tried to meditate, but was never truly able to turn off the mind (ego). It's hard to stop thinking! Humans have so many thoughts daily, and many of them are unconscious. But after much practice, I have finally connected to that inner space. And it's almost beyond words. Words that I now try to grasp to find a way to convey this feeling to you... but it's nearly impossible. You must experience it for yourself.

I will try to share what I can explain. Sitting there, cross-legged, in silence, slowly my mind stopped. Thoughts went away. Silence… Stillness… Deep Breathing. AAAHHHHHHH the breath feels so good. Feel the breath enter every cell of your body and feel how the cells come to life. In no time, there is a POWERFUL: SURGE OF ENGERY>>> it rushes through the body...almost like an immediate dose of a potent drug. Pure ecstasy... I feel the force of the universe pulse through me. I feel the energy around my own body and feel my connection to all that is. All the wonders and beauties of the universe are at my finger tips. I am THE conscious creator of my reality. As you are, of your own.

Jesus and other healers/masters were not the only children of god. We all are, my dear friends. These amazing souls just mastered what is the ability of all humans. Our power is beyond belief, and completely untapped. Think of the potential waiting to be expressed within our very own brains! We can create universes! Our bodies create life without us even consciously thinking about it! Imagine what we can create by being CONSCIOUS and PRESENT in EVERY MOMENT. And NOW, this VERY MOMENT is the only moment that ever is. Time is an illusion.

If this sounds like a child living in a dreamland… You are right ... it IS a dreamland. That's why people say dreams come true... because life is A DREAM. You think you're the dreamer, except you don't know you're dreaming. You go through life without being aware. Just like a dream, random, seemingly uncontrollable things just happen... they may not even make sense, and are definitely beyond your control... but.... If you can tell, (while still in the dream), that you are ACTUALLY DREAMING... then you ARE AWAKE WITHIN THE DREAM. That's what consciousness is. You are not the dream, or even the dreamer. You are the awareness that knows you're dreaming.

And this is where you become the conscious creator of your reality. When you remain in awareness and full consciousness, every moment. Always. And this is part of how the secret works. The law of attraction. You CHOOSE each MOMENT to put your attention and focus on all that is GOOD in your life, all that is GOOD in you, and in everyone else, and CHOOSE to hold tight to the things in life you WANT to create... and watch in amazement as they manifest before you. This is the space I currently find myself in. Will you join me?

I find freedom by Letting go of my attachment to material things, to people, to places... and finding comfort instead, in knowing I am not apart from these things at all, but rather I am always connected to all that is. I am creating opportunities every day. Each day I water my garden of dreams and take time to do the things I enjoy... Listening to Music, Singing, Dancing, frolicking in the woods, laughing, playing, loving... while also enjoying the simplest of things. Cold water to drink, A hot bath, Nutritious foods, cushy blankets and a soft bed, every possible little thing that we too often take for granted. Just enjoying every minute of being ALIVE. Here... RIGHT NOW. In this body. In this mind. Letting my spirit come forth and shine more of my truth. Not becoming good or better, but just BEING what I already am. What you are. All of us.

And as I practice this each day, it becomes more of my natural state. I feel such peace and happiness beyond anything I ever thought was possible. My biggest dream in life is to share it all with you. With everyone. To uplift us as a whole, all of humanity. As the enlightened soul John Lennon put it, "you may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one."

And we are making progress. People are waking up and realizing the power of their own thoughts, and their personal effect on reality. People like Oprah and Larry King are outwardly discussing these issues on their programs. Movies like the Secret are becoming mainstream. People are tuning in. It's going to start happening fast now. Human evolution is at a crossroads, we must learn to use the power of our minds and thoughts to change our current reality, or we face the end of humanity. It's a choice of continuing to kill each other in pointless wars, keep destroying nature and all of its creatures, depleting all our natural resources, warming our planet until we burn ourselves up... OR......


We are changing, Even within the past year I've seen my own community become much more diligent about being "green" and stopping global warming. Things are going to get better the more humanity lets go of greed, competition, fear, hate, and violence, and instead shines forth their true potential and true nature of love, and oneness. Every time you feel FEAR, try instead to move from a place of LOVE. See how that feels. You may find it suits you. Love. Unity. Peace. Harmony. Beauty. You are all these things.

I will leave you now with that little piece of me. And if you've been paying attention, you won't read this and think you know me. You will Read this and KNOW...

you ARE me.

Peace & Light to you my fellow space travelers

The Lady T

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