Work as the world defines it: by Tanya Almeida
Currently I am not “employed” by any particular company or business. I don’t have to go to work, clock in, labor for someone else’s product or vision, and then clock out and go home. I don’t have repetitive days where I do the same thing over and over again for a profit. Since I was about 14 years old, I’ve always worked. I actually started babysitting even before that… and at age 12 I was pretty much providing everything for myself with the exception of paying rent. I’ve worked so many jobs with such varied titles and responsibilities. The money has always been just enough to sustain me, and of course I learned many lessons along the way. I am very grateful for these experiences.
Now I am 28, and have literally worked at least ½ my lifetime. At some point toward the end of last year, I was getting very fed up with working 40 hours a week for someone else doing things that I really did NOT WANT TO DO… so I quit. I just quit. I had no new job lined up, no plans, and no clue how I would support myself. But I really didn’t make this decision based on my mind, because I would’ve talked myself into making a “rational or safe” choice, and continued to be miserable. Instead I listened to my heart, to my intuition, which was telling me that all would be taken care of and that it was time for me to move on to the next phase of my life.
Now, since I haven’t worked in a few months, many of my friends and family will say, “Well you need to go find a job…” or “how are you going to pay for that?” or “yeah, stop being lazy and do something!” or, here’s my favorite… “Yeah, since you don’t actually do anything…” Sometimes these comments irritate me a little, but I know I can’t take them personally because these people are just expressing what they feel is reality, and re-iterating the idea that one is only successful or contributing if they are “Working as the WORLD DEFINES IT."
But I have news for them… the world is changing. Much of the old ways of doing things are falling away. We can easily see this manifesting as the world’s economic system collapses, the housing markets fail, and the corrupt & greedy “rot at the top” continue to be exposed and punished. The old ways of doing things will not succeed in the new earth. With the economy in the tank, many are also losing their jobs and old ways of sustaining themselves. Naturally this is causing great fear in many people’s lives. But this is just part of the transition phase. We are currently creating a new earth, and the old ways of doing things just WON’T WORK.
So instead of panicking at my lack of “employment”, I have complete trust that all is in divine order as it should be, and as it always is. People are going to find that they will have much more freedom and enjoyment in life if they reject the old ways of the world, and move forward by creating new avenues to sustain themselves. Yes, it’s true… we can create our dreams and follow our passions. In fact, that’s what we came to do! This may sound too idealistic and not based in reality… but I assure you, it’s true.
Think about it. How many people do you know that hate going to work? Why do so many people hate their jobs? Why do so many people still stay at jobs they hate for most of their lives even if it makes them miserable? It’s because they are afraid. They are afraid to follow their hearts and pursue their dreams; because society has taught us that work as the world defines is the only means of survival. If you believe that’s true, than that is the reality you will create for yourself.
I used to believe that myself, but then many years ago I had an awakening and the years of my life that followed have been an amazing journey of self-discovery. I haven’t come to these conclusions on my own, or based on my own perceptions or ideas. I have come to understand these truths of the universe through many years of praying for answers & insights, of meditation, and quiet contemplation. What I found was that the answers were inside all along. Although, I can’t take credit for the inspirations or ideas that come to me in meditation. I believe the information is there for all of us to tap into… I am just a conduit for the universal energy to flow.
And since I've had this unwavering faith that I would be taken care of, that is what has manifested. I've come into money in random ways that I never would have thought of. Some of it has come from school & scholarships, while other things have come to me in the form of gifts or ideas. Just when I think I'm running out of time or money, something comes my way. So now I really don't worry about it at all, I just know in my heart that it's coming. This faith has allowed me to start pursuing my own dreams of owning my own business, and I've began to lay down the foundation for something very new. I think because I'm doing what makes me happy, and pursuing goals that are true to myself, the universe is responding and providing all the situations, people, connections, and resources I need. It's been truly amazing.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s ok to leave behind the fake “security” of your traditional jobs, and to pursue those things that make your heart soar. If what you are doing on a daily basis makes you happy, and brings a smile to your face, then please, continue on that path. If however, the thought of your daily routine makes you wince or grimace, and is far from making you happy, then maybe it is time for a change. Don’t allow past experiences to hinder your growth. And don’t worry too much about the future, because it really may never come. Yes, it sounds cliché, but it’s a universal truth… the only thing we ever have is RIGHT NOW in THIS PRESENT MOMENT. And it is within the NOW that your power lies. Always. You always have the choice and the power to create a new life.
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